Privacy Policy

Identification of the Data Controller

This “Website” is owned and managed by The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries, as Data Controller, with VAT number 507 680 316 and registered office at Avenida Visconde de Valmor, n.º 19A , 1000- 290 Lisboa, Portugal.
The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries strives to apply the best market practices in terms of data protection and information security.
Likewise, it seeks to adopt the appropriate technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the Personal Data under its Responsibility, pertaining Processing.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the applicable legislation shall prevail over this Policy if – and to the extent that – it exceeds its standards, or imposes stricter requirements and, ultimately, provides a greater degree of protection.
Where this Policy provides a greater degree of protection than applicable law or provides additional safeguards and rights for Data Subjects, this Policy shall apply.
The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries has appointed its Data Protection Officer, available via the following email address:

The Portuguese National Law on the Protection of Personal Data (Law no. 58/2019, of August 8, hereinafter “LPDP”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, hereinafter “GDPR”) ensure the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data and the free movement of said data.
According to the law, personal data means “information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of said natural person”.
Personal Data collected and processed by The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries are those that you voluntarily make available to us through the different collection paths of the Website, that is, through the different moments of interaction of the Data Subject provided throughout the Website and the relationship with The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries. However, these may be necessary to access certain content or services provided.
During the collection process, however, only the data that is absolutely necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose of the informed collection, or related purposes and on the foundation of the lawful basis explained to the Data Subject, shall be requested.

The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries website only obtains information automatically through the use of Cookies, which are necessary to make it efficient, allowing basic functions such as navigation and access, as well as managing security, confidentiality, integrity and availability issues. Without these Cookies, the Website would not function properly.
The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries also uses personal data for internal purposes, namely, to draw up electoral rolls, to issue professional cards, to ensure the payment of contributions and services rendered by The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries, to gather statistical information to support management, to carry out audits and other data analysis. This personal data may be processed automatically, but it must be stored in specific databases created for this purpose, which are deleted when they become unnecessary for the purpose for which they were created.

Personal Data may only be processed for the specific – and related – purposes communicated to the Data Subject when the data was originally collected.

  • When the Data Subject fills in a form to clarify any queries or request further information, or when entering the reserved area of the Website, identification data (first and last name), access data (Data Subject and password) and contact data (e-mail) are requested for this registration to become effective:
  • When the Data Subject registers for an event, training or internship course deemed important for the exercise of their profession;
  • When necessary, to carry out administrative and financial management acts relating to members, candidates for membership, employees, collaborators and service providers;
  • When for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the participation of members in activities of associative life, such as elections, referendums, meetings of and with national and regional governing bodies.

The categories of Personal Data collected will differ depending on the Data Subject’s interaction with this Website and according to their own interests on each visit.
In no case will Personal Data of racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, data relating to health and sex life, genetic, biometric or data relating to sexual life or orientation be requested, except when, at the time the request is made, the Data Subject freely expresses their will and consent.
By accepting this Privacy Policy, at the time of the positive act requested, the Data Subject gives their informed, express, free and unequivocal consent for the personal data provided through the Website to be included in a file under the responsibility of The Portuguese Chamber of Notarieswhose processing, under the terms of the legislation on the protection of Personal Data, complies with the appropriate technical and organizational security measures.
The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries therefore maintains this database, which will contain the register of Data Subjects who provide their Personal Data, which is collected and processed by The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries.

Personal Data processed through this website will only be used for the following purposes:

  • Communication and clarification;
  • Processing requests for information;
    Communication and dissemination of information on events, courses and news in the notarial field;
  • Communicating and publicizing recruitment and internship processes;
  • Newsletter dissemination and subscription – Information on current issues, news, event dates and existing courses;
  • Registration for events;
  • Provision of other services.

The processing of the Personal Data indicated above will be carried out under Article 6 of the GDPR and will be based on the performance of a contract, the fulfilment of a legal obligation, the exercise of functions in the public interest, for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller and, where none apply, its consent, in cases where said request applies.
The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries is not responsible for the input by the Data Subject of the Personal Data of third parties. In other words, the Data Subject undertakes, at all times, to provide accurate information on the data requested through the Website, and to keep it up to date at all times.
In the event that the Data Subject has to provide the Personal Data of a third party, they guarantee to be legally entitled to do so, that they have informed the data subject of the processing of his data and that they undertake to provide this Privacy Policy. In this case, the Data Subject will be solely responsible for complying with these obligations and the applicable duty to provide information.

The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries will use companies that provide services such as cloud storage, email management, systems management and IT security, website development and maintenance, ticketing, network security, health and safety, among others.
The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries also have to transmit Personal Data to public entities that have legal legitimacy to process the data in question, such as the Public Administration, Trade Unions, Judicial Authorities, Banking Institutions, Insurance Companies, Insurance Agencies, Training Entities, Auditors, among others.
In any of the aforementioned cases, The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries has signed the respective Personal Data Processing Agreements with each service provider, in order to guarantee that the data will be processed in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.

Personal Data may only be transferred to another entity outside the European Economic Area (EEA) if this transfer complies with the Data Protection Principles and the other rules set out in this Policy and in the applicable Data Protection laws and resolutions.
As such, said transfer may only take place if in accordance with the purpose for which the data was collected and if the transfer is necessary for that purpose.
In implementing this policy, The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries will respect the legal requirements that impose specific conditions on International Transfers of Personal Data.
Thus, Personal Data can only be transferred from an EEA country to countries outside the EEA (“third countries”) when the European Commission considers that a proper level of protection is guaranteed.
If the third country does not offer this level of protection, Personal Data may, as a general rule, only be transferred to that third country if the data exporter and importer implement any of the appropriate safeguards provided for in Article 46(2) and (3) of the GDPR.
Even so, the likelihood of The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries making such transfers will be residual and, if it does, it will do so by applying additional requirements.

The Data Subject has the prerogative to exercise the following rights:

  • Right to information: to be informed, prior to the processing of Personal Data, about the aspects related to its processing and also to request additional information about the use of their Personal Data at all times;
  • Right of Access: to obtain confirmation as to whether or not the Personal Data being processed and to access the Personal Data provided to The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries and which it holds;
  • Right to Data Portability: request the transmission of the Personal Data provided to The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries, if technically applicable;
  • Right of Rectification: request the correction or updating of your Personal Data;
  • Right to Erasure: request the erasure of your Personal Data when permitted by law or contract;
  • Right of Limitation: request the restriction of how The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries uses your Personal Data, correcting or clarifying any doubts about its content or processing;
  • Right of Opposition: oppose to the continued processing of this data;

The Data Subject also has the right to withdraw or change, at any time, the consent they have given to The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries for the use of their Personal Data at the time it was applicable, when this was the lawful basis for their processing.
This consent will always be requested, for the most diverse purposes, it will always be free, express and embodied in a clear and unequivocal positive act, and it is not necessary to provide it for the proposed main registration, that is, for the one that was initially presented.
Nevertheless, we will try to ensure that the ease with which it is provided is similar to that of its withdrawal, if desired by the Data Subject, and you can consult how to do this in this Policy.
To this end, you can exercise your rights directly and free of charge, with a few exceptions:

  • The e-mail address, indicating in the subject “EXERCISE OF RIGHTS”; or:
  • The following address: Ordem dos Notários, with headquarters at Avenida Visconde de Valmor, n.º 19A , 1000- 290 Lisboa, Portugal.

Your request must include the date, name and surname, applicable mobile contact/professional email address, the specific request and the address (if by letter) for notification purposes.

Personal Data is processed with the level of protection legally required to guarantee its security and prevent its alteration, loss, processing, or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology.
Access to the Data Subject’s Personal Data will always be carried out under the following commitments:

  • Taking legally required security measures of a technical and organizational nature to ensure their safety;
  • To process them exclusively for the previously defined purposes or for purposes related thereto;
  • Ensure that the data is processed exclusively by employees whose intervention is necessary to satisfy the Data Subject’s request, who have been trained in the protection of Personal Data, and who are bound by the duty of confidentiality. Should the information be disclosed to third parties for such purposes, they shall be obliged to maintain due confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of this document.

Personal Data will only be stored and processed for as long as necessary or obligatory for the fulfilment of the purposes described above, applying information retention criteria appropriate to each processing and in line with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions and even the prescription of civil and criminal liability.
After the respective legally permissible data retention period has elapsed, the data will be deleted or made anonymous, when it should not be kept in a public archive, for a separate purpose that may prevail.

The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries is not responsible for any acts or omissions of third parties, namely with regard to links to third party websites and their content.
In the event of a merger, split, transformation, dissolution or insolvency of The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries, Personal Data may be transferred to third parties, as a commercial asset, always in compliance with the applicable law and with the Data Subject maintaining their rights as a Data Subject, namely with regard to the consent given and the rights of opposition, access, rectification, erasure, limitation and portability.
In the event of any legislative changes, The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries reserves the right to change this Policy at any time, so you should consult it whenever you use this Website.

The Data Subject has the right to file a complaint, if they consider there are grounds for doing so, regarding the protection of personal data, before the competent supervisory authority, which, without prejudice to others being identified, will be the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD)
You can find out more about your rights here

The Portuguese Chamber of Notaries will update this document periodically, this being version 1.0.
Updates will be made as appropriate in response to legislative changes, business needs and new developments in the state of the art and technology, to keep the Data Subject informed.

Our Website uses Cookies or similar technologies to guarantee the best experience for the Data Subject, making a point of only setting Cookies that are strictly essential and for which it is not necessary to ask for their consent.
However, if others are configured besides the ones mentioned above, the prior consent of the Data Subjects will always be requested,
whether for the installation of Own Cookies or Third Party Cookies, Session or Persistent Cookies.
You can find out more about our Cookies Policy here

Last updated: May 14, 2024